Friday, April 29, 2011

Radish Green Stir Fry

In the anticipative joy of the pre-radish harvest someone suggested to me that I might not only enjoy my radish, but also the radish greens. What?  You can cook radish greens?  According to Google, yes, you can. There aren't may recipes online thought, so I just went with a recipe for Kale stir fry and modified it as I saw fit...

1 tablespoon olive oil
12 cloves garlic, minced
1 small onion shallot, halved and sliced thin
1 (7 ounce) can water chestnuts, drained and thinly sliced
1 red pepper seeded and cut into strips
1 large handful snowpeas

3 or more shiitake mushrooms, sliced (if using dried, soak, discard the stems and slice)
1 pound kale radish greens, washed and cut into large pieces
1 teaspoon mirin (or seasoned brown rice vinegar)
1 teaspoon tamari (or high quality soy sauce)
Freshly ground black pepper red pepper flakes, to taste 
1/3 box vermicelli noddles, soaked as described on box


Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add garlic and shallots and sauté until onions are translucent. Be careful not to brown garlic or it will give a bitter taste.

Add veggies and shiitake mushrooms, and noodles. Sauté for 3 minutes. Add greens and sauté for 1 minute. Add mirin, tamari and pepper and continue cooking until greens are just tender.

Radish Greens cut into strips
I was scared the texture would be too tough for big leaves

Everything in the pan

A minute later with the greens wilted

Dinner is served!

Bill's Bulleit and Garden Mint cocktail
Result: Awesome!  As an Inter-Mountain Region girl (aka non-southerner), greens are not my forte, but stir-fry style, they're AWESOME.  And the radish greens had a certain meatiness about them which really beefed up the stir-fry veggies.  Yum yum!  This recipe may get a re-run further along in garden season.

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